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Bitesize blog - what is 'the Portal' and what is a 'CNF'?

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What is 'the Portal'?

These days the more common types of personal injury claims are submitted through an online website, commonly called 'the portal'. If you've had a road traffic accident, an injury sustained through work, on somebody else's property, or a trip on the street, then your case will proceed through the portal. But, if your case is worth over £25,000.00 it won't be put into the portal. 


What is a 'CNF'?

A claim is submitted onto the portal via a CNF (claims notification form). It's an online form completed on your behalf by your solicitor. When it is submitted onto the portal a copy is sent to the defendant insurer. 


What happens next?

The other side have 21 days to acknowledge the CNF. At this point they can admit or deny fault, or ask for the case to come out of the portal so they can have an extra 3 months to investigate. If the insurer admits fault within 21 days then the entire case can begin and end inside the portal. 



Now that we have explained the concept of the portal and CNF, in our next article we explain the concept of ‘liability’ in personal injury.


ACSL Solicitors can act for you on a 'no win no fee' basis. Find out more here.